I heard quite a lot of myths and misinformation of getting rid
of Acne that have misled thousands of Acne Sufferers out
there. So I thought it would be a good idea to share with you
some of the misinformation and misunderstanding about acne
cures and so on.
These myths often mislead those who suffer from acne
problems, these are simply made available to help you realize
and understand a little more about acne and a little more about
the possibilities with acne curing. Knowledge is the cure.
Here are some of the myths I'm talking about:
Myth: Acne occurs due to insufficient washing of the face.
Acne occurs due to dirt and bacteria but you can keep your
face sufficiently clean by gently washing it twice a day.
Excessive washing removes too much oil from your face.
This stimulates oil secretion by your sebaceous glands which
may cause more acne.
Myth: Avoid Oily Food, Chocolate or Caffeine
Although there is no medical proof for specific diets and
acne, certain foods seem to encourage acne in certain people.
Hence, you need to note if you suffer from any specific
allergies or are sensitive to specific kinds of food. Some people
are sensitive to iodized foods while others are sensitive to
protein-rich foods.
Myth: Acne vanishes if you leave it untreated
The early treatment of acne prevents further spreading.
Successful early treatment removes most chances of scarring.
Sometimes (rarely), acne will vanish when left untreated,
unwashed and ill-fed. Go figure!
Myth: Intake of lots of water clears acne
Sufficient water intake keeps you healthy and is a minor
constituent of acne cure. Just drinking huge quantities of water
cannot cure your acne.
Myth: Higher than recommended medicinal dosages results in
better and faster acne cure
Medicines in larger dosages do not offer extra cure or
relief from acne. It is dangerous.
Myth: Basking in Sunshine cures acne
Sunbathing for short intervals dries up excess oils but it
does not work as a long-term relief from acne. Rather,
excessive exposure to the sun is harmful and increases acne
due to severe drying of the skin.
Myth: Picking acne cures it
Picking at acne spreads bacteria and causes more acne.
Besides, such picking can leave behind permanent scars.
Myth: Excess sex causes acne.
Although sex releases hormones, there is no medical proof
connecting sex and sebum production, which is the main cause
for acne.
Conclusion: What you don't know might harm you.
Educate yourself!